Monday 9 September 2013

Hi Guys and Gals! Welcome to my 100 Baby Challenge!

So, my name's Jade, Jade Dreams. When I was younger I had always wanted to have a big family and have lots and lots of children. I always joked I would have 20,50 maybe even 100 babies! Little did my family know - I meant it. My dream is to have 100 babies, and have 100 babies I will! I hope you all enjoy me writing about my life and achieving my dream, and I hope you can achieve your dream too. My name's Jade Dreams, and I will achieve my dream.

There's me. I look bored, but I'm just sad for leaving my family back in Twinbrook.
As soon as I got inside my gorgeous brand spanking new house, I went straight to the laptop, played a bit of SimCity and then created my dating profile, if I was going to have 100 kids, I was going to have to start straight away!
So this is whats in the hot air balloons...
I rushed to the beach to find a hot, tanned man, but this is who I found instead. I mean he's cute, but not the best.
Stiles: Don't look up, cute girl walking towards me, don't look up!
Me: Your not the only nervous one here, this is the first time I have actually talked to a guy that wasn't my Dad.
After I said that, he seemed to ease up a little, only to let this stuff pour out-
Stiles: Gosh, I'm hot, must be you!
Me: Oh God. Please don't.
Stiles: One more! Can I paint your picture, you will be more famous then the Mona Lisa!
Me: Mhm. Kill.Me.Now
After he apoligized for the corny pick up lines, I found out that Stiles isn't that bad of a guy.
Stiles: So, you're Jade Dreams? I heard you're doing the 100 Baby Challenge?
Me: Yup that would be me!
Stiles: Cool!
Stiles: So, what inspired you to do the challenge?
Me: Well I have always wanted a big family, and I would be over the moon if I ever got up there with Amber Lights, Cadence Sierra, Vanessa Woods!
Stiles: All of the cute ones are either settled down, lesbians, or they do challenges were they cant be in a relationship!
Me: Pardon?
Stiles: Nothing.
I pretended I didn't hear anything, I basically didn't. I was daydreaming about being up there with all of the other famous mothers of 100!
I asked Stiles out for dinner and I think he got too over excited...
(I had to I'm sorry...)
This is a face who has an idea.
Stiles: Oh! Some things just touched my hand!

Me: That was just me.
Stiles left after that and left me, stranded there.
The next day I called him up.
Me: Stiles, I don't understand? Why did you leave me?
Stiles: I know that you want me for your challenge, I'm not sure yet, just let me think first.
He hung up.
Not long after he hung up I got another call.
Me: Hello?
Man: Hi, my name's Boyd, I heard you're doing the Baby Challenge and I would like to be the father of Baby 1.
Me: Well I already had one lined up, but he doesn't seem to care...ok, Boyd, come to me house in 10 minutes.
I know I shouldn't of, but I needed to start straight away.
As soon as he saw me he pulled me into a kiss.
Boyd: I know it's quick, but I need to get home soon.
Jade: It's ok, now lets make Baby 1!
Me: How old are you?
Boyd: 60, but think of me having experience!
Me: Okely Dokely, just checking.
I was so happy to be getting somewhere in this challenge, I heard it takes ages for someone to meet a potential father, and Boyd's perfect - bluey grey hair with purple eyes.
The next day I felt my stomach turn over. Morning sickness kicking in!
To get my mind off the puke, I took a trip to the Festival.
Me: Rainbow Snow Cone, I shall destroy your rainbowy goodness.
Call me crazy!

As I was learning to skate, and as you can see I wasn't good at it, this happened-

POP! Baby 1 is on the way!

Day 1. Not as big as I expected to be!

Day 2! I was on my way to a painting class, and round the end...

This happened! Baby 1 is here!

Baby 1 is born! Every one meet Aurora Dreams! Daughter of Jade Dreams and Boyd Wainwright.